The Resurrection Meeting With Mary (continued)

(continued from below)
But just how exactly was this Mother-Son meeting is very interesting to ask. Was it like a grand event, a red-carpet accolade befitting of a powerful individual, a God or King of the universe? I would say it was not really that. I am quite sure, as I saw in my contemplation during that last day of my retreat, that such a joy was not too remote from our little, ordinary and human joys. Like the joy of a mother seeing once again her daughter or son, after s/he went away to work overseas. The mother sees once again her beloved whom she once held in her arms as a fragile infant. Like that joy of someone in prison seeing for the first time his growing son whom he had longed to be with. That joy of welcoming back a son who comes home from a war. Perhaps, that joy of a mother who is able to see for the first time her baby who stayed for months in her womb. It was a joy of those very human sorts that I had pictured in my mind-an experience very close to anyone. And yet, it was a joy that was enough to save the world, enough to move people's hearts, enough to make one feel the presence of the risen Christ.
Now I ask myself, do I have that kind of meeting with God at any point of my life? When was it? Did I ever have that completing and YES experience of seeing someone and it changed my life forever? Did I ever have an experience as meaningful and all my life now centers around that momentous point?