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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1000++ to petition for a "Ninoy and Cory Aquino Day of Prayer and Reflection"

1000++ to petition for a "Ninoy and Cory Aquino Day of Prayer and Reflection"

I am happy to announce that we have just reached the 1000th membership of our cause since the death of Tita Cory last August 1.

Just as the reality sinks in, each goes back to his or her day to day routine. Each of us look at each other and say, ''Did not our hearts burn within us, not only during the past days but during all those years when Ninoy and Cory spent their lives with us so selflessly, and when they opened to us the true meaning of what is to live and die for one's people?''

May we continue to rise up to this national and very historical occasion together with our fellow Filipinos and with every woman and man of goodwill; and reminisce the heroic legacy of the couple.

In times like this, what our country needs is to pray just as Ninoy and Cory did. There is an inner treasure hidden underneath the People Power revolution that is now just starting to take shape in the heart of every person. The chance to go through this inner transformation awaits everyone of us. But this beautiful chance rests in the hand of each one of us.

Let the flame and the fire continue to burn. Share to a friend how you were touched by their lives these past days. Grab every opportunity how we can keep the spirit alive. Again, "there is an inner treasure hidden underneath the People Power revolution that is now just starting to take shape in the heart of every person."

Continue inviting and praying for the gift of Ninoy and Cory to bear further fruit for the present generation and for the many more to come.


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