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Monday, April 17, 2006

The Resurrection Meeting With Mary

I am glad to be back in circulation once again, feeling rejuvinated. I have been to Sacred Heart Novitiate-Jesuit Retreat and Seminar Center to do my annual 8-day retreat.

Here is one of the fruits of my last day of retreat yesterday which I am moved to share.

The Resurrection Meeting With Mary

I was trying very hard to imagine what kind of joy could have filled the heart of Mary when she met his son alive at the resurrection.

As many of you know, Mary took on that mission coupled with being continually pierced through her heart right from the first moment she said her fiat to God through an Angel. A question came to me with deep wonder, How was it like for Mary to shoulder that great responsibility of becoming the Mother of the Son of God?

Mary's life nevertheless was unimaginably riddled with much consolations and joys which were drawn out of her unwavering faithfulness. She remained meek, docile and humble starting as a little girl until the penultimate decision to become the Mother of the Messiah. Her faithfulness did not stop there, she continued even despite all the confusion, humiliation and difficult hurdles she had to face in the presence of people around her.

Unwavering in her mysterious mission despite her lack of understanding of the full meaning, full gravity of having to carry the saviour of the world in her womb, Mary persisted to follow every word of God for her.

Waiting until that day when God would surprise her, when God would finally unveil what had been reserved for her, Mary's joy was not complete yet. It came in full circle when she personally met her beloved son alive after the shockingly evil sight of the crucifixion.

At a particular point of my contemplation, I was hard up in composing the wretchedness and sorrow in the eyes of this woman while she was lying in wait at the foot of the grimly looking cross as the bloodied, lacerated body of her dead son was being carefully lowered down.

But Mary's heart was more powerful than all these grisly and tempestuous human actions that had been inflicted towards someone so good.

Continuesly trusting and mysteriously believing in God all the more at the lowest point of her life, Mary held on until that joyous event that was waiting for her would come-to see alive once again the babe that she used to cuddle as her very own. (to be continued)


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