The Gospel today is about the calling of Philip and Nathanael. From this day on and the many days to come, I realize this is my own calling too.
After reading the Gospel, I pondered on three points: (1) Jesus calls me to see greater things that are to come. (2) How or when will I see such great things? (3) What kind of attitude do I need to welcome such a privileged encounter?
Jesus decided to go to Galilee. Finding Philip, Jesus called him, “Come Philip, follow me.” Philip, who hails from the fishing village of Bethsaida (means house of fishing), in turn calls Nathanael to go with him and see with their own eyes the one Great Thing from Nazareth, about whom was written in the law by Moses and prophesied by the prophets.
Nathanael, thinking out loud, said such disparaging words: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Just come with me and see.”
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Here is a true child of Israel who comes with no deceit.” Surprised, Nathanael retorted, “How do you know me?” Jesus replied, “Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.” (The fig tree is a place for worship among Israelites.) Nathanael, roused and now with eyes opened, answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”
Jesus answered and said to him, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this. Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
(1) Jesus calls me to see greater things that are to come.
Nathanael approached Jesus blindly, without much thought about the things that came
out of his mouth. He did not see the person of Jesus, the Great Thing who was right there face to face with him.
I can identify with Nathanael during those many times that I failed to see and relish Great Things that came to me. They fleetingly pass my trail without a notice. How many of such things have come already and how many of these did I see and savor with my own senses?
Jesus is the Great Thing who bids me, and summons me to open my eyes before him. But how? When does Jesus come to me?
(2) How or when will I see such great things?
Jesus comes to me everyday, every moment, in the suddenness of things, and in moments when I least expect him to happen.
Such is the nature of the calling, it comes suddenly and unexpectedly, but constantly, in each fleeting moment. Yesterday’s Gospel was the calling of the first disciples Andrew and Peter, now it is Philip and, in a special way, Nathanael; all of which did not expect such great privilege, gift to come to them. They simply were called with the element of being surprised, being roused from their prejudices.
(3) What kind of attitude do I need in order to welcome such a privileged encounter?
Therefore, what will be the attitude that I should cultivate and nurture in myself so that I can become more keen and ready to welcome whenever Jesus comes to me?
But I should remember also that such an encounter will always be a gift that is unearned. But is it possible to receive it? Can I do something?
Let us go back to the Gospel which provides for us an answer.
I am invited to become like Nathanael. Very honest and without deception. He came to Jesus for who and what he was, in his blindness. In the first place it was Jesus who spoke well of him when he said, “Here is a true child of Israel who comes with no deceit.” Jesus in the end was the one who helped him out of his questioning and blind disposition. Jesus comes very fair, he met Nathaneal in his own terms.
Therfore, I am not to be afraid if often times I approach Jesus in different ways—carelessly, indifferently, blindly, expectantly, impatiently, thoughtlessly, sleepily, drunkenly, limitedly and fearfully. In the end, I have full faith that it will be Jesus who will show me the way where I could meet and encounter his loving presence more.